November 7, 2012

Log II. It doesn't hurt to be decent.

This article here, in my opinion, should be read by all gamers. Male or Female. I've never played online, but I have no doubt that there are guys who bully girls in online gaming. I had posed this stamp on deviantART, and got so many rude comments. I had concidered taking it down. But before I did, I talked to a friend and told her that maybe it was pointless and we don't have anything to prove. She told me this:

"Um, I think it's because we do have something to prove. I for one don't play online unless I'm playing with my friends. If you're a girl who talks during matches on online games some guys make the most sexist remarks I've ever heard. They bash girls because we're not suppose to be good at games and they make those completely inappropriate 'kitchen' jokes. When you're known to be a girl playing what is typically a 'guy' game, you do have something to prove. It's really sad, but true. I've watched my best friend play online fighting games, she's really good and she'll have the mic on her head, but she doesn't ever speak. I used to wonder why but I think it's because a lot of online players are a-holes.
Disclaimer: I'm not saying all guys are sexist jerks, but a good chunk of the online players are."

And I believe the link above is a perfect solution to online gaming jerks.

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