I don't know what kind of idiot thinks girls can't play games. I've heard many
stories of guys acting like and implying that girls can't play shooters
(specifically), or rather like it's not our type of game. Firstly, everyone has
a type of game. Just because I have breasts doesn't mean my type of game is
something with fluffy animals. My type of game isn't a cutesy wusety chibi game
with no blood. My personal type of games are JRPGs and Shooters. Every girl has
a different type of gamer in them. Hot guys and cute animals are a bonus. But
all of us hardcore gamer girls play
for the enjoyment of throwing a grenade. For
the sport of hunting down your target and assassinating them. For cutting
anything between me and that treasure box.
No one is making games with fanservice for
girls, too. Thank goodness for games with equal fanservice like Final
Fantasy 13-2, Resident Evil 5 and 6, Dragon Age 2, and Virtua Fighter 5. If only
companies would make games like that more often. But they don't. It's either
gruffy, scuzzy guys and chicks with badonkadonks on their chests, or over beefed
up men and ditsy women. Thank god for Final Fantasy. At least the women think
and fight for themselves and the men don't think their equipment has to be
bigger than the other men. And I'm not talking about swords and shields.
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