July 29, 2013

Log V. Wat

Anyone who knows me will know that I love my characters to be sexy. Whether my character is male or female. I don't care if the female characters are scantily clad or not (Unless her outfit is basically floss and a towel.). But what really ticks me off is when the social justice bloggers on tumblr think they're doing good.

So, Square-Enix releases footage of gameplay for Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, I believe, at E3 this year. Lighting does one cute, little pose and everyone loses their shit. Yes, it's a bit out of character for her. But it was only a pose. Just a little sway of the hips.
(a single little sway if I remember correctly)
To me it looks like a little homage to Final Fantasy X-2's Yuna. It makes sense with the FFX/X-2 HD release coming soon.
However, when SE releases a preview to a promotional costume for Final Fantasy IV's cat girl race

Photo courtesy of ff-xiii.net

and miraculously no one has anything to say about this. The outfit is much more suggestive than a little pose (And her expression is similar to a "F**k me" look, which with the cat ears suggests beastiality to me and just ugh.). And yet no one had anything to say about this.
The above pose was even called "sexist", which I would like to know how a little sassy sway of the hips is sexist on a girl who, everyone knows, is independent as all get out and quite badass. And yet the "F**k me" kitty girl pose and costume is... normal to everyone?
My problem isn't that people see nothing wrong or everything wrong with the poses or costumes, its that one is more PG-13 to me than the other and the more sexualized one seems to be less of a problem to people than the one that's just a damned sassy pose.

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